> Tournée de ce jour en gyropode Segway, avec découverte de Papeete en ce dimanche 23 octobre avec Catherine venue d'Australie, Arnaud Billet(Tout le monde connait à Tahiti : NRJ RADIO) et Chloé, notre guide.
Toujours avec le beau temps et ces belles couleurs...Normal, nous sommes à Tahiti
> Today's tour in Segway gyropod, with discovery of Papeete on this Sunday October 23rd with Catherine from Australia, Arnaud Billet (Everyone knows in Tahiti: NRJ RADIO) and Chloé, our guide.
Always with the beautiful weather and these beautiful colors ... Normal, we are in TahitiToday's tour in Segway gyropod, with discovery of Papeete on this Sunday October 23rd with Catherine from Australia, Arnaud Billet (Everyone knows in Tahiti: NRJ RADIO) and Chloé, our guide.
Always with the beautiful weather and these beautiful colors ... Normal, we are in Tahiti:)
#segwaytours #tahiti #papeete #maevaride #segway #tourism
> Tour découverte de Papeete en gyropode Segway pour Heloïse, Travel Designer en provenance de Monaco.
> Discovery tour of Papeete in gyropode Segway for Heloise, Travel Designer from Monaco.
> Ces touristes Australiens parcourent le monde et à chaque escale, ils visitent leur destination en gyropodes Segway ! De vrais "Segway Trotters"
> These Australian tourists travel the world and at each stopover, they visit their destination in Segway gyropods! Real "Segway Trotters"These Australian tourists travel the world and at each stopover, they visit their destination in Segway gyropods! Real "Segway Trotters" :)
#segway #tahiti #papeete #segwaytours #polynesie